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On Geography | |
    The world known to Ravan and Catherine is divided into four regions, known as the Four Vales. Each corresponds to one of the
magical elements of Nature - Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. These Vales are similar in many ways - they are blanketed with forest and
mountains with other terrains forming a small minority. However, each is also influenced subtly by the character of its Element. This influence
is strongest near the center of the region - the Vale proper, which contains the corresponding Elemental Node. The largest settlements have
formed around these Nodes, taking advantage of the strong magic that resonates in the area. Smaller villages exist, as well, although they
become rare far from the Vales themselves.
    The Four Vales is a vast region, much of it uncharted and uncivilized. Far from the Nodes, the Elemental magics diffuse into an equilibrium. Few humans live in the far reaches, and there are many mysteries lost amongst the trees. Legend often speaks of a Fifth Node, in the Vale dedicated to the ephemeral Spirit. There are many theories as to its location and traits, but none in recent times have found any sign of its existence. |
On Inhabitants and Invaders | |
    The majority of the civilization of the Vales is inhabited by humans and the rare half-breed. The other species of the
land, such as the wilderness fae and centaurs, are averse to such trappings. Although they bear no ill-will towards the human race,
they prefer to live in the untamed reaches of the wilderness. In the distant past, dragons could be found throughout the Vales, bearing
great power and strength in the name of their Element. They have since faded into obscurity and myth, leaving only half-bloods to carry on their memory.
    Although it has been known for some time that lands exist outside the Four Vales, its natives pay little attention to it. The enormous ring of untamed forest surrounding the Nodes provides a strong barrier to traders and adventurers. Only occasionally have any from the outside made it as far as the villages, all of them adventurous humans who often left soon after. That is, until recently - the Invaders began arriving a little more than a year ago. At first there were few - dark shadows flitting through the outskirt woods. As time has gone on, these demonic beings have appeared in greater and greater numbers. Rumors speak of a demon city in the outskirts of the Vale, founded their long ago under the shroud of the Valefolk's ignorance. The Invaders have wrought great destruction in their short time here, although only in passing. It has recently come to light that their true goal is the power of a legend - the Fifth Node. | |
On Magics | |
    The most common magic in the Vales, practiced by most sentient beings, is Elemental Sorcery, based in the emanations of the Elemental Nodes.
Each Node radiates its character into the world and into Nature; through this, any who learn and practice may manipulate these forces. The average
villager has minor powers of conjuration and manipulation, while those who study intensely (the Adepts) can accomplish a wide variety of feats. It is almost
inevitable that a villager's own abilities favor those of his native Vale - this alignment is strong enough to keep them from practicing even the basic
magecraft of the other Elements. Those born to parents from two different Vales can sometimes learn magic from each. Half-breeds have affinities related to their
ancestry. The many breeds of wilderness fae each have their favorite Elements, as did the
Dragons. As a result, half-breeds are more likely to wield multiple Elements in their magic. This provides an oft-useful practical variety to
the Vales.
    As the power of Elemental Magic derives from the Nodes themselves, its power grows with proximity to these primal foci. Ill-trained or unskilled folk visiting a Node Village may find themselves capable of feats only the most accomplished can create in their home village. This works in reverse, however, and a powerful Adept will find himself with little to draw upon in the wild outskirts of the Vales.     Other magics of Nature are also practiced, although they are much more difficult and obscure. Practitioners can only be found studying in the seclusion of the wilderness. Many say that their connections with these primal sorceries have changed them beyond the ken of their native races. Then, as with so many other things, the Invaders have brough their own tainted power with them. The Demon Magics performed by these creatures are twisted and draw upon Nature only to tear it apart at the seams. Its mysteries are unknown to the inhabitants of the Vales, perhaps for the better. | |
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