The Fifth Node

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About the Author
    This comic has been created in its entirety, from sketching to storyline, by Steven Israel. This page will contain whatever bits of information I decide to give out about myself and my life. If you want to contact me, feel free. My e-mail is: Anti-Spam E-mail Encoding.
Mini Bio
Age: 23
Place of Birth: Baltimore, MD, USA
Current Residence: Durham, NC, USA
Other Bits:
Graduated from Case Western Reserve University in 2002
Currently a graduate student at Duke University
Married to Kimberly Anne Charlton on May 24, 2003
Favorite Webcomics
No comic would be complete without a tip to all those folks who inspired me to take up this particular hat and continue to inspire me daily. This list just keeps getting longer...
Mac Hall
Sea of Insanity
Sluggy Freelance
Penny Arcade
RPG World
Real Life
Gaming Guardians
Eversummer Eve
Life of Riley
8-Bit Theater
Twelve Dragons
College Roomies From Hell!!!
Venus Envy
Digital War
Nothing Special
z Dominic Deegan: Oracle For Hire
Twice Destined
And many, many more...
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